Is Web Application Development the Most Trending Thing Now

Is Web Application Development the Most Trending Thing Now?

by admin in Blog on February 23, 2022

Web application development is now at the forefront of IT technology. As most businesses adopt this technology, it’s no surprise that web app developers are in high demand. 

This article will cover some essential facts about web app development to help you determine whether or not to spend in training for yourself or your organization. 

Web applications have become a trend over the last few years. They’ve grown popular among many companies due to their ability to quickly collect data from customers, build new goods based on consumer feedback, and market those goods through social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. 

The evolution and extensive use of the internet has brought in a new era for the world where connectivity and convenience have both been intensified. 

We have shifted almost everything online, from government institutions and businesses to our social and personal interactions. The spontaneous result of this has been a blast in the number of websites since the year 2000. 

While there is no doubt that the whole world depends on these websites for several reasons, it is right that just a few people understand what makes the websites click and work to perfection. 

These proficient experts are known as web developers, and their demand is bound to be higher than ever in the current scenario of the internet boom.

What is web application development?

Web application development is the process of creating software applications that are accessed over the web. These applications allow users to run programs, access data, and use services without installing them on their computers. 

Various languages are used in web app development, including JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, and Ruby on Rails. The most popular language for developing web apps is JavaScript which can be used with frameworks like AngularJS or NodeJS to create dynamic content that enhances the user experience. 

Web application development encompasses a wide range of skill sets such as: 

  • Design thinking and comprehension of current user interface trends; 
  • Knowledge about layout grids and typography; 
  • Understanding how colors work together effectively; 
  • Programming skills in languages like JavaScript or Ruby on Rails; 
  • An understanding of front-end technologies.

The internet has always been an important part of people’s lives. Websites and web applications have changed how we live, work, communicate with each other and the world around us for better or worse. 

Starting from desktops to laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc., individuals rely on sites such as Facebook every day- be it at home while doing office tasks on their phones during lunch break -and they play a crucial role too! 

Web application developers presently have a significant role in the success of any business. With changing technologies and circumstances, web development companies need to keep up with what’s new to adapt accordingly when necessary.

Top 8 web application development trends in 2021

Over the years, technology has consistently evolved with the evolution of human technological requirements and innovative techniques. 

Speed, task automation, integration skills, and security are significant factors at the core of these advancements. Here are the top 8 latest trends in web application development you need to know in 2021.

1. Motion UI design

A website requires detailed data. Nevertheless, there is a requirement to have the data in an orderly way. As time goes by, the website constantly invests in the UI, striving to enhance customer experience. The motion design lets one create an effortless interface and one that suggests activities on the page.

The motion design further leads the user on which area to focus on while on the website page. The user interface developed using motion has visual features that enable communication between the web application and the user.

2. Process customization

For each existing business, there is a culture of doing things. The culture directs workers’ roles, how each worker should perform their duties, and the business rules. 

They can recognize software that can sync with their current workflow, which is more suitable for its challenges.

Web application developers have operated to see the industry come up with various tools to fulfil similar tasks. Developers and websites will need to be knowledgeable about customization to efficiently do it without hindering the company’s way of doing things.

One of the latest trends in developing web applications that are on the rise in 2021 and the coming years is tool building. With software development tools and APIs that might not require any coding experience, it will be simpler for businesses to build tools that address particular difficulties in their websites.

3. Cloud computing advancements

Cloud computing leads to the availability of data storage devices to multiple users through the internet. In 2020, the pandemic saw businesses adopt rapid digital transformation. Nevertheless, businesses are required to form a strategy that works better.

As cloud computing continues to grow, firms are required to consider building a private infrastructure for cloud computing. Additionally, remote fast use will require firms to develop their cloud computing infrastructure to compete.

4. Cybersecurity

With the rising technologies and development, cybercrimes, breaches, and hacking have increased a lot. Therefore, implementing protection cybersecurity or information technology security is a developing trend lurking in 2021. 

In 2020, the number of vicious attacks on software merchants doubled as much as the prior quarter’s attacks. 

To avoid various downtime hours and loss of income, businesses should beef up their security systems.

5. AI technology and the use of machine learning

World economies are investing a lot of time, resources, and effort into developing Artificial Intelligence. 

AI is one of the web application development trends in 2021 that will become very popular in years to come because it provides great benefits for businesses, both large and small-to automated tasks humans have been doing since man has existed on this planet! 

An example would be natural language processing which automatically generates subtitles from audio without knowing what’s being said while also making work easier through SaaS tools relying heavily upon artificial intelligence. 

6. Voice search

Starting in 2021, the Internet of things is growing tremendously! 

Smart speakers and voice search is setting a new trend in how developers and users relate with search engines. The structured data and schema markup allows the search engine to understand the products and services listed in your business and display them in the search results.

Due to their use in expanding search devices’ performance, their use will be on the rise. Website owners should ensure that they efficiently use keywords in research questions to obtain this trend’s benefits.

7. Single-page apps

Single-page app development is based on JavaScript and runs on all browsers and devices. It assists you in eliminating interruptions that happen between web pages.

Some common examples of SPAs include- Facebook, Gmail, and GitHub.

It excludes the requirement of reloading the web pages by loading all the content through JavaScript. SPAs are easy to navigate, have no complex menus, have a fast-loading pace, and are easy to use. The major advantage of using SPAs is that they can efficiently deploy cost-effective hybrid apps. 

8. Progressive web apps

These are web applications that connect traditional strategies that are progressive and current browser APIs to design a cross-platform application on the website. 

PWAs allow developers to quickly build an application experience in a browser. As such, it clears the need to build native applications for every emerging device.

Progressive web applications enable the user to operate offline and assist websites in loading much faster. People who seek to optimize their desktop web applications will only be required to use PWA and improve the customer experience without building two different applications.


Web application development is one of the most trending things in 2021. They will become even more so as technology evolves, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to develop them or that they’re free from challenges. 

We can help with web app design and implementation, UI UX design through full-stack programming services. Reach us now if you would like a consultation about how we can help your business grow. 

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